LA formule magique pour tricoter n'importe quel modèle avec n'importe quel fil !

Die Zauberformel, um jedes Modell mit jedem Garn zu stricken!

Fanny Le Merdy
Whether it's knitting or crocheting, the question of measurements and sizes is essential to create a garment that fits you after many hours of work. It's frustrating to finish a knit piece only to find out that it's too small, too big, or has too short armholes. There's a little magic formula that allows you to knit any model with any yarn! Initially, let's emphasize the golden rule in knitting and crocheting. At the same scope, if you use a thinner yarn than the model used, the finished garment will be smaller than the measurements indicated by the model. Conversely, if you use a thicker yarn, the finished garment will be larger.
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